
A Guide to Building Agile Innovation Squads: Boosting Creativity…

In the context of product development, “Squads” is a term often associated with the Spotify model, which is an agile framework used by the music streaming company Spotify and has been adopted by other organisations as well. In product development, Squads refer to small, autonomous teams of individuals with cross-functional skills who work together on specific features or components of a product. These teams are designed to be self-organising and self-sufficient, responsible for delivering value to the product and, ultimately, the customer.

Key characteristics of Squads in product development include but are not limited to the following:

Cross-Functional Expertise

Each Squad is composed of members with diverse skills relevant to the tasks at hand. For example, a Squad might consist of software developers, designers, quality assurance testers, and other roles necessary to complete a specific feature or function.

This can be staggered. For example, for your project, you may only need validation or research at a particular stage. In such cases, you can assemble a dedicated research or validation squad to fulfil that specific mission. Once the validation or research is successfully completed, that squad has fulfilled its mission and is no longer needed. At this point, another squad can be formed to address the next stage or objective in your project.

Read more “A Guide to Building Agile Innovation Squads: Boosting Creativity & Growth”

Greening the Code: 10 Proven Strategies to Make Your…

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Unlocking Sustainability: Understanding Scope Impacts

Over the past several months, I have dedicated myself to a comprehensive re-education on the subject of sustainability—what it truly means, and the importance of avoiding pitfalls such as Greenwashing and the newer concept known as “Greenwishing.” In this article, I aim to delve deeply into the genuine significance of Scope Impacts and how to effectively integrate them within an organisation, with a specific focus on software-based entities.

You might wonder why the emphasis on software organisations. Given my extensive professional background in the software domain, I am naturally inclined to explore sustainability within this context. Frequently, I encounter a prevailing misconception that software-based organizations, by virtue of not producing physical goods, have a negligible environmental impact. This perception, though entirely baseless and inaccurate, is indicative of a knowledge gap that I aspire to bridge.

Read more “Greening the Code: 10 Proven Strategies to Make Your Software Company More Sustainable”

Measure What Matters by John Doerr: Practical OKR Strategies…

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I recently completed John Doerr’s transformative book, “Measure What Matters,” which offers valuable insights from real-life experiences and diverse companies. While initially targeted at management teams and product professionals, the book’s actionable guidance extends to all involved in business growth. It introduces the power of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), an effective goal-setting framework that drives alignment and performance.

Discover the art of efficiency and effectiveness as the book provides practical tips and best practices to implement OKRs and supporting services. It’s not an ultimate solution but an inspiring starting point for continuous improvement. Embrace a culture of learning and growth to sustain your business in the long run.

Read more “Measure What Matters by John Doerr: Practical OKR Strategies for Effective Business Growth”

Unlocking the Power of The Core Values: Building a…

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Establishing a strong set of core values is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of any business. These core values serve as guiding principles that shape the company’s culture, decision-making processes, and overall direction. They establish a sense of purpose, define the organization’s identity, and create a framework for growth. Moreover, core values contribute to a positive working environment and attract like-minded individuals who align with the company’s mission.

When it comes to the benefits, a strong set of core values benefits both the company and its stakeholders. For employees, core values provide a sense of purpose, drive, and direction. By aligning their actions with the company’s values, employees contribute to a positive and productive work environment. Moreover, customers appreciate companies that embody values they can relate to. Trust, loyalty, and positive brand reputation are some of the benefits gained by a company that clearly demonstrates its commitment to its core values. Additionally, core values contribute to successful partnerships with suppliers and stakeholders.

Read more “Unlocking the Power of The Core Values: Building a Sustainable Business for Long-Term Success”

What is a SWOT Analysis: Advantages and Key Insights…

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In product management there are various tools that you can use in order to either influence, inspire or direct your team towards success. However there needs to be a framework that you follow, and the good thing is that there are many frameworks to choose from. Once you do choose a framework you will find methods and ways how to bring people together to work on the same objective.

Management is the art of getting things done through people

“Mary Parker Follet”

In the next few posts to come I will be deep diving in each of these tools and then will guide you how to merge them together.

Read more “What is a SWOT Analysis: Advantages and Key Insights Derived from it, Advantages of creating a SWOT analysis and what can I deduce from it ?”

Unlock Your Potential with KAIZEN: The Key to Consistent…

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We all have dreams and aspirations for ourselves, but it can often feel daunting to take the necessary steps to achieve them. It’s easy to get overwhelmed and give up when we don’t see immediate results, or when the road to success feels too long and difficult. However, there is a philosophy that can help you unlock your full potential and achieve consistent self-improvement: KAIZEN.

KAIZEN is a Japanese philosophy that means “change for the better” or “continuous improvement.” It emphasizes the idea that even the smallest improvements, made consistently over time, can lead to significant progress and success. By adopting the principles of KAIZEN in your life, you can achieve consistent self-improvement and unlock your full potential. This is very similar if not the same philosophy described in the book Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Read more “Unlock Your Potential with KAIZEN: The Key to Consistent Self Improvement and Advancing your Growth Mindset.”

Setting up, Communicating and Executing your company vision to…

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When it comes to defining a company’s vision, a textbook definition would state that it is “a statement that outlines the long-term goals and aspirations of the organization.” This statement is crucial as it provides clarity to employees, customers, and stakeholders and guides decision-making and strategic planning. However, a practical definition of vision goes beyond that.

In reality, the vision is the “north star” that guides the entire organization. It is the reason why our business exists, and the first building block to define our strategy, followed by what and how. Therefore, the vision should be easily understandable and transmissible across all departments.

Read more “Setting up, Communicating and Executing your company vision to achieve a successful strategy.”