
Innovation Pre-Mortems: How They Enhance Your Innovation Cycle and…

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Innovation is a crucial aspect of any organization’s growth and success. However, navigating the unpredictable landscape of innovation can be challenging. That’s where the concept of Innovation Pre-Mortems comes into play. By conducting a pre-mortem, teams can identify potential pitfalls and mitigate risks before investing significant resources into a project.

Interestingly, I used to consider pre-mortems a waste of time before someone convinced me to give it a shot. Now, I can confidently say that if executed properly, they can potentially be the most enlightening reality check you can experience and here I explain why and how to run them.

What is an Innovation Pre-Mortem?
A pre-mortem is a technique used in project management and innovation to anticipate potential failures or risks before a project or initiative begins. It is a strategic exercise that anticipates future failure points by imagining that a project has already failed. Rather than waiting for hindsight, teams can proactively address potential weaknesses, ensuring a more robust and successful innovation cycle.

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